Evolutionary Biology

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Research Groups

  • Ana Catalán - Firefly genomics and transcriptomics

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    Fireflies are bioluminescent beetles that present different degrees of sexual dimorphism. In some species, females and males can hardly be distinguished from each other, whereas in other, extreme sexual dimorphism has evolved between the sexes. We are interested in understanding the evolutionary forces acting on sexually dimorphic traits across different firefly species. Additionally, we are investigating the demographic histories and adaptation processes in European and Neotropical fireflies. more

  • Sonja Grath - Molecular Evolution and Functional Bioinformatics


    With both experimental and bioinformatic approaches we study the evolution of proteomes, gene expression and DNA methylation using various systems. Current projects focus on protein domains in bacteria, cold tolerance in natural fly populations, the evolutionary origin of DNA methylation, and on gene expression and methylation patterns in different types of blood disease. more

  • Richard Merrill - Behaviour and Speciation


    Behavioural adaptations are often some of the first to evolve during population divergence, and can play a key role during the evolution of new species. Notably, although many organisms can interbreed with close relatives, they often ‘choose’ not to. Our research focuses on adaptive behaviours: how ecological, genetic and developmental factors influence their evolution, and how they contribute to speciation and other population level processes. more

  • Dirk Metzler - Statistical Genetics


    We analyse probabilistic models for evolutionary processes and ecological interactions. Based on such explicit models we develop computational methods for statistical data analyses in population genetics and evolutionary genomics. more

  • Bart Nieuwenhuis - Evolution of sexual asymmetry

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    Sexual reproduction generally occurs by the fusion of gametes that differ from each other. But why are asymmetries during mating required? In my group we study what drives the evolution of these asymmetries and their dynamics combining experimental, molecular and genomic approaches using fungi as model system. more

  • John Parsch - Evolutionary and Functional Genomics


    In general, we are interested in understanding the molecular basis of adaptation. We study the evolution of genes and gene expression using the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster as a model system. Current projects focus on variation in gene expression between populations and sexes, as well as the population genetic and functional analysis of gene regulatory elements. more

  • Ricardo Pereira - Hybridization and Speciation


    From extant, reproductively isolated, species it is difficult to identify which genes initiate the process of species formation, and how they affect lineage splitting through time – Darwin’s “mystery of mysteries”. In my research group we apply a multidisciplinary research program that attempts to answer this key evolutionary challenge, through the exploitation of inter-lineage hybrids in which reproductive isolation is incomplete, as windows into the process of species formation. more

  • Andrea Pozzi - Mitonuclear Interaction Evolution

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    Mitochondria are ubiquitous organelles whose best-known function is the production of energy through ATP synthesis. They are often referred as the “powerhouse of the cell”, however, research accumulated in the past decade suggests that mitochondrial function might not be limited to energy production. These organelles have their own genome, and by studying the genetic variation in these genomes across natural populations, researchers have found that mitochondrial mutations can affect important life-history traits such as survival and fertility. more

  • Jochen Wolf - Evolutionary Biology


    We explore evolutionary processes in natural and experimental eukaryotic populations using a combination of wet lab techniques, population genetic, comparative and functional genomic approaches. Centered on vertebrate study systems with the recent addition of fungi, current research interests in the group include speciation, adaptation and genome evolution. more