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Mensa card


The Munich Student Union (Studentenwerk) runs a Mensa on campus Martinsried. You can find reasonably priced lunches with various side dishes and always at least one vegetarian meal.

Mensa opening hours:

Mo – Do 11.00 – 16.00
Fr 11.00 – 14.00

Lecture-free time
Mo – Do 11.00 – 14.00
Fr 11.00 – 13.45

As a member of the LMU staff you’ll get a so-called "Bedienstetenkarte" (staff card) at the service office in the mensa building. It costs 12 Euro (7 Euros deposit and 5 Euros credit).

Just take a confirmation letter (issued by our secretary) and your official personal ID to obtain your mensa card.

You can top up your credit using cash or your bank card. The cash pay-station accepts 5, 10, 20 and 50 Euro notes but no coins.

Returning your Mensa card: 

If you no longer require your Mensa card you may return it to the Studentenwerk's service office. Any remaining credit will be refunded in cash and your deposit returned, provided the card is not damaged.