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Identification requirements

Is carrying an identity card mandatory in Germany?

There is no legal obligation. Both German citizens and foreigners may move freely within the country without having to carry an identification paper.

Does it make sense to carry your ID card with you?

Many people are reluctant to carry their passports or passports with them because they are afraid they might be stolen from them. Although this danger exists, a mobile phone can just as well be stolen; however, this fact hardly hinders anyone to always have his cell phone with him. Likewise, it should be dealt with a passport, because there are certain situations in which the police determine the identity of a person. This is the case, for example, in demonstrations: if a person cannot identify himself, the police officers are entitled to take them to the identity check station.

In addition, on various occasions it makes sense to bring along your ID in addition to another document: when hunting in connection with the hunting license, when fishing in conjunction with the fishing license or as a public transport user in connection with a non-transferable monthly pass. As a driver, it is also advisable to have an identity card or passport in addition to the driver's license and vehicle registration, for which there is a legal obligation to carry. In particular, the driving license photos, which have been made at the age of 17 or 18 years, often enough in later years hardly resemble the owner of the license; A valid ID can in such cases lead to rapid identification of the person concerned.

Even if there is no legal obligation to carry along, it is nevertheless advisable to carry your identity card with you in general. If this is needed by the police to identify the identity, you save yourself and the officials time and work, if you can identify yourself immediately.