Evolutionary Biology

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Business trips


Now it becomes quite bureaucratic:

Before your trip (this is very important!) you have to fill out the form

"Application for the approval of a business trip" resp. “Antrag auf Genehmigung einer Dienstreise” 

even if you are not going to apply for reimbursement (it's for insurance purposes).

Of course you will get help from our secretary the first time.

The appropriate form (English and German) is in a hanging file in the cabinet on the left in room C 01.008 (Lagerraum I).

Also, there are pdf-files of the forms: Application for the approval of a business trip as well as Antrag auf Genehmigung einer Dienstreise.

So you can pre-fill your information and save it on your computers for the next time you have to travel for work.

After your trip you’ll fill out the form

"Application for the reimbursement of travel costs" (pdf) resp. Antrag auf Reisekostenerstattung” (pdf)

and attach all invoices in original. For items not paid in cash, you should attach a copy of your bank account statements as a proof of payment.

Ask our secretary for help.