Statistics for Masters Students, Summer Semester 2010

Prof. Dr. Dirk Metzler
Room D00.013
From April 19 to June 21: Every Monday from 1:30 pm to 3 pm. Exceptions: No class on May 10 (VW Symposium), May 24 (holiday) and on June 7 (EES excursion).
From July 26 to July 30: Every day from 9 am to 5 pm.

Handouts or slides

1. Descriptive Statistics
2. Standard Error
3. t-test
4. Chi-square test
5. Confidence Intervals; Freqentistic and Bayesian Statistics
6. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
7. Linear Regression
8. Design of Experiments
9. Recapitulation


sheet1.pdf, swarth1.txt, flu.txt
sheet2.pdf, sem_cll.R
sheet3.pdf, desertpoppies.txt
sheet6.pdf, catfish.txt, cuckoo.txt, manure.txt
sheet7.pdf, qqplots.pdf, moreqqplots.pdf

The R statistics software

Examples of R commands: R_intro.R, FinchesSulloway.txt, swarth1.txt


Last Change: Dirk Metzler, July 29, 2010