Evolutionary Biology

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Publications by Noémie Becker

  • Verdu P, Becker NSA, Froment A, Georges M, Grugni V, Quintana-Murci L, Hombert JM, Van der Veen L, Le Bomin S, Bahuchet S, Heyer E and Austerlizt F. Sociocultural Behavior, Sex-Biased Admixture, and Effective Population Sizes in Central African Pygmies and Non-Pygmies. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2013; 30:918-937.DOI:10.1093/molbev/mss328
  • Becker NSA, Verdu P, Georges M, Duquesnoy P, Froment A, Amselem S, Le Bouc Y and Heyer E. The role of GHR and IGF1 genes in the genetic determination of African pygmies’ short stature. European Journal of Human Genetics. 2013; 21:653-658.DOI:10.1038/ejhg.2012.223
  • Becker NSA, Touraille P, Froment A, Heyer E and Courtiol A. Short stature in African pygmies is not explained by sexual selection. Evolution and Human Behavior. 2012;33:615-622.DOI:10.1016/evolhumbehav.2012.03.001
  • Becker NSA, Verdu P, Froment A, Le Bomin S, Pagezy H, Bahuchet S, Heyer E. Indirect Evidence for the Genetic Determination of Short Stature in African Pygmies. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 2011; 145:390-401.DOI:10.1002/ajpa.21512
  • Becker NS, Verdu P, Hewlett B, Pavard S. Can life history trade-offs explain the evolution of short stature in human pygmies? A response to Migliano et al. (2007). Hum Biol. 2010; 82:17-27.DOI:10.3378/027.082.0101