Statistics for Masters Students at LMU faculty of biology, Summer Semester 2024
On Tuesdays from 8:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. and on Thursdays from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in
room G 00.031.
Prof. Dr. Dirk Metzler
Please enrol to the moodle page of the course to obtain all announcements.
Material will be added during the course.
Please note that the handouts will not form a complete script.
They only summarize the contents of the slides shown during the lecture.
You will need to complement the handouts with your own notes during the lecture and read text books.
Screen cast videos from the online summer semesters 2020 and 2021 are still accessible on,
but note that the contents of the course can and will be different this year.
For this reason, also the handouts below will be updated during the semester.
- Descriptive Statistics, bluearea.csv
- Standard Error
- t-Tests and Wilcoxon's signed rank test,
more biological t-test examples,
Wilcoxon test application aspects (with biological examples)
- Chi-square and Fisher's exact test
- Comparing more than two groups:
multiple testing issues, ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis
- Basics from Stochastics
Linear Regression
Generalized Linear Models
Solving these exercise problems is an effective way to improve your
understanding of the lecture contents.
We will discuss your solution during the exercise sessions.
Before a particular exercise is discussed in an exercise session, you can
already ask questions on the exercises in the moodle forum and give each other
some hints, but please make sure that you do not tell too much in the moodle forums,
so that all others have the chance to find their own solutions.
It is also highly recommended that you sit together and develop exercise solutions in
collaboration, but then everyone should in the end write down the solution individually
in their own words.
More exercise sheets will be added during the semester.
Examples of R commands:
FinchesSulloway.txt, swarth1.txt
There are several graphical user interfaces for, as for example RStudio.
Videos on the statistics software R
part 1 (duration [min:sec]: 21:08),
part 2 (19:04),
part 3 (20:27),
part 4 (20:12),
part 5 (22:17),
part 6 (13:34),
part 7 (12:25)
D. Freedman, R. Pisani, R. Purves: Statistics (4. Ed.), Norton
P. Dalgaard: Introductory Statistics with R,
Springer (2008), pdf available via LMU access on book website
M. J. Crawley: Statistics: an introduction using R,
Wiley and Sons (2005)
A.F. Zuur, E.N. Ieno, N.J. Walker, A.A. Saveliev, G.M. Smith: Mixed
Effects Models and Extensions in Ecology with R, Springer (2009)
Last Change: Dirk Metzler, 10. July 2024