Phylogenetics I, WS 2010/2011

Lecture with Exercises (Vorlesung mit Übung):

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Dirk Metzler
EES students who attend this course will practice to apply the methods described below by analysing datasets of Michael Schrödl, Ulrich Schliewen or Michael Balke in the Bavarian State Collection of Zoology.

Time: EES Block III from 30.11.2010 to 23.12.2010
Lecture: Each Tuesday and each Thursday from 9 to 11 a.m. in room C00.013
Exercises: Each Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. and on Thursday from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. in computer room C00.005


Data sets of DNA, RNA or protein sequences contain a lot of hidden informations about the history of evolution, about evolutionary processes and about the roles of particular genes in evolutionary adaptation. It is a challenge to develop methods to uncover these informations. Methods that are based on explicit models for evolutionary processes and on the application of statistical principles (like likelihood-maximization or Bayesian inferrence) are most promising. Some of these methods, however, can be very demanding - computationally and intellectually. A thorough understanding of the models and methods is crucial, not only for those who aim to contribute to the further development of such methods but also for those who want to apply these methods to their datasets and have to decide which method to choose, how to set their optional parameters and how to interprete the outcome.
We discuss methods from computational statistics and their applications in phylogenetic tree reconstruction. First we compare maximum-likelihood (ML) methods to parsimonious and distance-based methods. Then we turn to Bayesian methods that are based on Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) approaches like the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm and Gibbs sampling. Such methods allow to sample phylogenies (approximately) according to their posterior probability, i.e. conditioned on the given sequence data. Thus, it is also possible to assess the uncertainty of the estimation. Statistical methods are always based on probabilistic models for the origin of the data. Therefore, we discuss evolution models for biological sequences (Jukes-Cantor, PAM, F81, HKY, F84, GTR, Gamma-distributed rates,....) and the fundamentals about Markov processes that are necessary to understand these models. Software: PHYLIP, Seq-Gen, R with the ape package, RAxML, MrBayes, BEAST, Bali-Phy, ....

Language: English

Announcement in official LMU course overview

web page last updated: Dirk Metzler, October 5, 2010