## Topic: Sheet 9, Exercise 3

## Question: 
# I tried to plot the results in sheet 9 exercise 3 in a different way than in the solution. 
# But somehow it doesn't work. Could you explain me, what is wrong there?

# dataset read with my path to it
mite <- read.table("../exercises/solutions/data/mite.txt", header = TRUE)

# code from the student
png(file = "mite.png")
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))

boxplot(mite$number[mite$first.encounter == "no"],
        col = "white",
        sub = "first encounter",
        ylim = c(0,400))

boxplot(mite$number[mite$first.encounter == "yes"],
        col = "red",
        sub = "second encounter",
        ylim = c(0,400))

# Answer

# You need to add the command dev.off() so that the file mite.png that you created is closed (and the graph is saved to it).
## png 
##   2