## Topic: Lecture 7, Slide 9

## Question: there is an R code which prints the state of the water. The following code, Temp <-  "readline(prompt = " ") defines the input as a character and the result always becomes vapor. I changed the code as following: Temp <- as.integer(readline(prompt = " ")). Is this a good approach or did I do anything wrong in the first code?

# Temp <- as.integer(readline(prompt = "Enter water temperature: "))
# if(Temp <= 0){
#  print("This is ice.")
# } else {
#  if(Temp < 100){
#    print("This is liquid.")
#  } else {
#    print("This is vapor.")
#  }
# }

## Answer: You correctly define the input as integer. However, here we need a function that contains Temp and all the conditions (if,else). Once the function is declared, you may initiate an interactive session using interactive() and incorporate your function.

Temp_fun <- function () {
  Temp <- as.integer(readline(prompt = "Enter water temperature: "))
  if(Temp <= 0){
    print("This is ice.")
  } else {
    if(Temp < 100){
      print("This is liquid.")
    } else {
      print("This is vapor.")

if(interactive()) Temp_fun()  # you may also reuse this command for other temperature values